Saturday, September 24, 2011

Let's get down to MozamBUSINESS!

On Wednesday September 28th I leave for Mozambique, Africa to begin my training as a Peace Corps Education Volunteer. I’ve been bombarded with questions regarding the details of my upcoming adventure so instead of tattooing the answers on my forehead, I’ve decided to answer a couple of frequently asked questions.

1. Lena, have you graduated? Are you a real person yet? What are you doing with your life? Answer: Yes, I graduated from UW-Madison in May with both Biology and Spanish degrees. In July I was officially invited to become a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mozambique.
2. Uh, where is Mozambique? Answer: Mozambique is located in Southeast Africa, north of South Africa on the Indian Ocean.
3. And what will you do? Answer: Although it is subject to change, I am slated to be a high school Chemistry teacher.
4. You’re teaching in English, right? Answer: No silly, that would be way too easy. The official language of Mozambique (and the language I’m pretending to learn right now) is Portuguese. Yes, I will be teaching Chemistry in Portuguese. Piece of cake, right? So far I’ve learned useful phrases like “Leave me alone!” “Take me to the hospital!” “My brother is an IT Specialist.” and “I don’t eat meat.” To be honest, I don’t plan on using the last three…
5. How long will you be there? Answer: 27 months (I’m telling you, Mom, it will fly by).
6. But where will you live? Answer: For the first 3 months I will be living with a host family about an hour outside the capital city Maputo during training. After training I will be placed and will either live in a reed hut, a mud hut, or a concrete hut in need of repair (a.k.a. the Fixer-Upper).
7. When are you leaving? Answer: Tuesday, September 27th I fly to Philadelphia and the next day they ship all 53 of us Education Volunteers to Mozambique.
8. Are you crazy? Answer: Duh.

Besides that basic information, I don’t know many details. I have no idea what to expect and I’m strangely okay with that. I’ve made a little list of useful websites for my curious friends and family:

This is the Mozambique group on facebook where we ask each other seemingly ridiculous Peace Corps related questions because none of us know how to pack for two years.

Here is the Peace Corps Wiki page with basic information about Mozambique.

This is just the Peace Corps website where you can read up on Peace Corps safety or about what volunteers do. You can even apply to be a volunteer with me! Think about it.

No explanation necessary.

I love all kinds of questions, comments, rantings, sweet nothings, and advice so feel free to post your thoughts here! The best way to contact me will be, facebook, or this Mozamblog.

Also I apologize for all the Mozambique jokes I'll probably make over the course of these next two years. Mozambear with me.

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